I am aware of this but...it just sort of gave me the impact of this thing...that this will finally end. No more HP books to wait for...no more theories to make...no more new charaters to know.
Since I became hooked to Harry Potter, I was glad it has seven books and that I'll be able to get excited after finishing one and then another. But after I finish Death Hollows, it will be the last. I just cant believe it.
Harry Potter isn't my life, I know, but I had learned to make it a part of me...a part of Rayne (Ahya) who was known at school cause she's a Harry Potter fan. They know me as the HP freak.
Before when HPB just came out, we were talking about the 7th book at a message board (forgot which one) and I was like...nah it's fine. At least the legacy would remain. But the process wasnt easy. It's like letting go or losing someone you treasure.
I would really really hate JK if he'll kill Harry, please dont judge me.
The book might be cool and great but it'll be horrible to know that Potter died. Like, whoa!
What happened??! Why?!? Why not just kill Voldemort?
"It wouldnt be fun if it just happens like that." some would say.
All in all, what I mean is that Im sad.
Definately sad.
That it is like good bye.
And there are those RIP HARRY POTTER theories that I call concerning Harry's death at the last book. It's depressing but I do pray he wont die. It'll be too bad, just like what SPARTS said on MTV News, think that you're JK...and you created a story about a boy, you made his life miserable and then you're gonna kill him?!
Hahaha! ROFL!
I totally laughed on this.
It was sooooooo funny.
And I believe JK isnt that cruel. Like duh?
Please woman, spare me. T_T
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